Monday, December 14, 2009

'Tis the season... catch whatever sicky-poo bug is going around. And yes, I managed to catch it. Even though my daily routine includes vitamins and working out, I manage to catch something gross. I've had congestion in my sinus and my lungs and quite frankly, I'm sick of it! Not to mention I lost my without a voice is a complete disaster. I don't know many people who like to talk as much or as loud as I do. So this is just pure torture.

If you or someone you know gets sick this season, I highly recommend Green Chile Stew. It's warm, which feels great. It's steamy, which is even better. And the heat from the chile warms you from the inside out.

So if you're sick, or you just want something to keep you warm, make this stew. Curl up on the couch with a blanket, put on A Christmas Story, and try not to think about your current ailment!


  1. now that makes me WANT to be sick. miss u
    ♥ feel better

  2. Are you feeling any better by now? I hope so sweetie!!!


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