Monday, April 12, 2010

Sweet Winner Announced and a Lovely Award! must really this girl because she was one of five lucky winners in my last giveaway, too. Before you think I'm being biased, remember, I do use a random generator and if you look at the comments, she left the most. So congratulations, Erin @ Living and Loving in L.A.!!!

Don't fret, my loves...I have another giveaway coming VERY soon. You will love this one, too!

On to the next thing...

My wonderful friend, Rachel, over at Reaping What I Sow, awarded me this sweet little nugget of love.

Rachel and I have known each other for 6 years, although thanks to the wonder that is Facebook, we finally got back in touch after a few years. We did this crazy thing once; we went through Marine Corps boot camp together. Ever heard of 'em?

Anyway, what I'm supposed to do is list 10 honest things about myself. I hope you're prepared. I've lived a crazy life and I'm brutally honest sometimes. :)

1. I was a United States Marine. I stood where very few have and I am forever proud of this accomplishment. It's how I met my wonderful husband, who was also a Marine, and some of the greatest friends I've ever known. It was hard, it was trying, but it was worth (almost) every minute of it.

2. I was kicked out of Canada. Twice. Yes, deported. The first time, I was living and working there just because and apparently word got out and officials came to escort me over the bridge. All my stuff was still there, my best friends, my boyfriend, so I went back. Shame on me for going back, but shame on them for letting me back in! No worries, though. Because of super-secret #1, I'm allowed back in.

3. I love feeding people. That may not sound like a secret, but I really love feeding people. I fed Marines for years. Sometimes 12 at a time. I love making people full and happy. I love when people remember gatherings and the great food they had there. Maybe that's why I also love waitressing. I get to serve good food and get paid for it. It's not my first choice in careers, but it's fun, I'm good at it, and it helps pay for school.

4. I have to count my calories down to the last piece of hard candy. It's kind of an obsession. I work out a lot, and I love food, so I like to see how they balance out. It's great, too, because I can pretty much eat whatever I want, so long as it's in my budget. I don't believe in fad diets or pills; caloric intake is science and it just plain works.

5. Just like above, routine is another obsession. I have a coffee cup for every day of the week, so I get up, greet my Keurig, make my coffee, grab my Mac, and turn on Today. Even on workout days, it's the same. I check my email, my Facebook, my favorite blogs, then Perez Hilton. It very rarely changes.

6. I'm a Christian. Sometimes I get slack from people I surround myself with, but it doesn't change the fact that I have a relationship with God and I wouldn't have it any other way. My dear friend just gave me a study Bible and I couldn't be more excited about it. I don't push my beliefs on people, but I am more than willing to share my experience and my love for Jesus if anyone cares to ask.

7. I've been vegan for just over a year. I was a vegetarian for a while...more specific, I was a pescetarian, meaning I still ate fish. It wasn't until we moved home from Japan that I decided to give veganism a try. Needless to say, I fell in love with all it had to offer and I haven't even dreamed of looking back.

8. I reallyreallyreallyreally want to end up back in New Hampshire. I'm not sure it's going to happen, but that's where I truly feel at home. Not just because my family is there, but because all of my memories are there. I know New Hampshire and I love it. I know Cody would, too, if he just gave it a chance. :)

9. As I get older (when did 28 happen???), I understand that dealing with drama isn't necessary. There is an out, and it's just ignoring it. I used to think I needed to be friends with everyone, but it just isn't the case. Especially people who don't bring any positivity into my life. Sometimes it stinks because I would like to think I can be friends with everyone, but recently Cody and I both have cut some people out of our lives and we're just better off for it.

10. People give me crap because Cody looks young, and he's 3 1/2 years younger than me. Here's the deal. I always dated older men. Seriously. And it obviously never worked out. Then I met Cody and within months, I knew he was the one. He's responsible, so smart it makes my head spin, talented like there's no tomorrow, and LOVING. Not a day goes by where he doesn't do something that shows me how much he loves me. And not a day goes by where I don't love him even more. So do 3 1/2 years matter to me? Absolutely not. Aside from me being ready to have babies and him not-so-much, I hardly even notice.

That's it! Now I get to name 10 people! :)

1. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga
2. Tasha @ The Voracious Vegan
3. Leslie @ Better Together
4. Erin @ Living and Loving in L.A.
5. Sarah @ Skinny Runner
6. Jaclyn @ Vegan Yumminess
7. Dawn @ Out of Africa
8. My favorite beer geek @ Albuquerque Beer Scene
9. Lindsey @ Happy Herbivore
10. Mandee @ Cupcake Kitteh

That's it! Enjoy, folks! And congratulations to you, my dear Erin. xo


  1. Im so glad you kept it going! It was nice getting to know more about you...boot camp just didnt allow enough small talk, huh? =)

  2. By the way, number 2 is my favorite...

    I can't believe I won! Thanks my love! Do you have my address?
    I love you so much and can't believe how much we have in common. SO much. What a great world this is that we've gotten to be friends. When are you going to come visit me?!?!?

  4. P.S. E-mail me your address too. I got a new address book!
    (As if you didn't know that already!)

  5. thanks for the award, you outlaw you!

  6. I was looking for my award.... :-(
    miss you!



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